We feel it wasn't tested well for two players on the Wii. We really wanted to like this game but so far the controls and limited camera have made it confusing. It was fixed when the 2nd player dropped out and came back in a bit later. player 1 facing north, player 2 facing south) and that flipped the controller directions.

Another time the 2nd player started facing the opposite direction of player 1 (i.e. The usual split screen for player 1 was on the left and player 2 on the right - but for the sequence involving Gandalf it swapped player 1 to the right and player 2 to the left (and it took a while to figure out why the characters weren't responding right). We also encountered some bugs in the first hour of playing. It is frequently hard to see what you're indiviual goal is when you only see a very small slice of the environment with the camera zoomed up close, we spend too much time trying to find the targets to shoot just beyond view. The ugly: vertical split screen views for 2 players. It was much simpler to click a button to swap between all the characters and equipment. This gets frustrating to dig out a character and then a specific item that character has.

Next you have to HOLD down a different button to bring up the item wheel and then select the item to equip your character and close the wheel. You have to HOLD down a button to bring up the character wheel and then select that character and close the wheel. I enjoyed prior Lego games for the simplicity of the controls, this changed. The good: audio from movies for cutscenes and mostly following the movie storyline (vs the books) and the variety of characters. We have just started playing (two players) and are disappointed that the game has been more frustrating and fun to play. Review for Lego Lord of the Rings Wii version. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.