His scribblings became the spiritual classic The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius, used by Christians for centuries in the practice of discernment. After his illness, Ignatius began practicing his competitive notions of rivaling the saints, and wrote about his experiences of Christian disciplines.

He soon found that his thoughts on the saints left him with more peaceful and satisfied feelings than his daydreams about the noble life he had known before his injury. Legend has it that Ignatius read these stories in a competitive manner, imagining how he could beat the various saints at practicing the spiritual disciplines. But all that could be found in the castle where he stayed were books on the life of Christ and the saints of the church. While recuperating, Ignatius became bored and asked for novels about knights and battles. As a young man, he joined the military, but a war injury ended his military career. Ignatius was born to a noble Spanish family.