Sierra sees the update as a major change for Tribes 2, not least of all because of the Garage Games patch to fix the game's technical issues. The more acrobatic your passes, the more points goals are worth. The point of the game is to score goals, but in the process it's important to pass the flag to teammates. There's a flag in middle of a map with two goals on either end.

There are five maps for the second mod included in the update, team rabbit 2, which is described as flag ball. The update contains 10 maps from the original Tribes that have been remastered for Tribes 2 and 13 maps from the comp mod, a mod developed for competitive players that speeds up play by changing weapon speeds, physics, and skiing speeds. The upcoming update will integrate the faster play modes into Tribes 2. Fast Attack was also to have a faster style of play, more like the original Tribes or Tribes Aerial Assault for the PlayStation 2. Sierra's decision to cancel Fast Attack was said to be because the single-player missions wouldn't add much that was new as compared to the offline tutorial missions already in Tribes 2. The Tribes 2 update is a part of Sierra's effort to extend the Tribes franchise. A final patch in development at Garage Games will also be released at that time and is expected to clear up any remaining technical issues, improve performance, and further open the game to mod making. Fast Attack has been canceled, but Sierra is putting new weight behind the work of a few mod makers whose new maps and modes of play will be featured in a free update to the game that will be released in late September.

The publisher had previously announced that it would release a new retail product, called Tribes 2: Fast Attack, which would add a new single-player dimension to the multiplayer team shooter. At a Tribes 2 community event over the weekend, Sierra announced some changes to its plans for Tribes 2.